Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
Writer | Speaker | Producer
Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
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You will also instantly receive “The Five Books to Change Your Life”. Some of the best books I have read, that you’ve probably never heard about. And yes its FREE to subscribe!
Great Customer Service Guaranteed
Sick and Tired of not being looked after like you expect. What can you do to get great service? It’s not as hard as you think and the rest of your life will benefit.
Time For Laughter – Its Christmas
Laughter makes everything better… what more can be said – Its Christmas Time. Make sure you click the image. Have a Great One.
How Many Summers Are Left?
If you are like many, you have been very keen to get that last year out of the way. Done and Dusted. Given it has been one of the years of your life, the one and only of its type – should it have been wished so quickly into the rear view mirror?
Daily Habits for Health & Longevity.
What we do daily builds the foundations from which we create a life. Here are Ten of my Daily Habits which build and maintain my health. I got them from some pretty smart people. Enjoy..
Meat Pie Friends
Relationships bring the most joy and the most sorrow. Are you looking in the wrong place for joy?
Life itself has three parts – birth, life and death. Our bankers ever afraid of fraud created a banker’s 3 with a flat “top” to stop it being changed into an eight. And for those of us who are religious in nature many religions have Triple Gods – The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost, in Christianity and the Hindu Trimurti with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
So today again we have three fast, easy to read, potentially life changing ideas to ponder, raise questions and absorb or reject. You won’t be bored.
The Fast Three
Fast and Furious – Three Short Fast Bits to Change Your Life that pack a punch.
The Force Is Strong In Tradition
The Star Wars phenomenon was just about to hit our city. It was school holidays, my friend Rick and I had scheduled to be one of the first to experience the adventure.
250 Days Lockdown – Any Benefits?
Over the last couple of years, it has been easy for us to focus on all the things we cannot or are unable to do; yet we have all lived each of those days, and what we have done with them can still bring us joy. They can remind us of what is essential to living a good life.